
College Regulations & Code Of Conduct In The Campus

The college lays great stress exclusively on the development of character among the students and to be worthy of highest standard. The students are asked to follow the following rules in the campus.

  • Student must wear uniform prescribed by the college.
  • Students must possesses valid identity card which is to be shown to the teacher when demanded. I.D. card is compulsory in library and laboratory.
  • Students are not allowed to take in any political activity and are asked to have no distinction of caste and creed in his/her relation with other students.
  • Students are not allowed to play during the class hours.
  • Students are strictly prohibited from smoking and chewing of tobacco in the premises of the college and in the hostel.
  • Students should be in their allotted classrooms before the commencement of the class. Irregularity of attendance, disrespect towards teachers, dis-orderly behaviour are not tolerated by the college authority and are punishable offences.
  • No money collection are allowed without prior permission of the principal.
  • No meeting or party should be held in the college or any other activity taken up without the approval of principal.
  • No tour or pleasure trips are to be arranged in the name of college without prior permission of the college.
  • There should be discipline and silence in the corridors during class hours. Students must not loiter in the corridors during class hours.
  • Students are forbidden from bringing any explosive matters.
  • The campus must be kept clean at all times. Littering, defacing the walls or desks, damaging college property etc. are offences and will be dealt with seriously.
  • Posters and notices must not be put up without the permission of the Principal. If permission is granted, all posters and notices should be placed on the boards kept for the purpose in different blocks and not stuck on the walls or other common areas of the college.
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  • Possession of mobile phones or similar electronic devices during the practical’s/ classes / examinations is considered as a serious malpractice.


Students are expected to attend classes every day. As per the guidelines of Karnatak University, Dharwad, 75% attendance is a must in all subject. Falling short of 75% attendance the candidate will not be allowed to appear for examination.